VN Ren'Py Onhold The Spice Pirate [Prologue: Remastered] [Tak Mycket]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes
Sep 3, 2020
08/09/2024 — Weekly Dev-Log #13
  • 399 renders
  • 4,730 words
  • 0 animations
  • 9 choices
Another solid week of progress. A week after restart number 5, and development is going strong. You should expect high render counts and low word counts when comparing my progress to other developers. This is due to the nature of Tides of Succession, which I will discuss below.

Side Note: The woman above (Elva) is not a LI in Tides of Succession.

Visual Storytelling:
This recent iteration of Tides of Succession has a massive focus on the visual aspect of storytelling in many different ways.

The first, and perhaps most obvious way is camera angles and distance. However, I tend not to isolate renders. Instead, what's more important is the difference between each shot. Rather than explain, I will show...

The character in the sequence of renders above is Henricus - our protagonist's father figure and one of the more influential characters in terms of impact on the story. And to those who are wondering - yes, he is not supposed to have eyes. Even without the text, it's (hopefully) fairly obvious that what he is saying is important, and 'story-altering'.

There will be many other visual hints along your journey as well.

On top of all this, there are no thoughts to be read in Tides of Succession (and very limited narration). Instead, you must rely on what is actually said to gain an understanding on what is going on. However, to give you an insight into what a character is thinking, I use (perhaps even over-use) a lot of close-up shots.

As a side-note, the woman present in the above render is not a LI. Alas, while she may not seem like much when you first meet her, but she is the most significant character not just in Tides of Succession, but its sequel as well (Tides of Succession has been planned out as a trilogy of AVNs - with a different MC and LIs in each AVN).

Another key feature of Tides of Succession will be what I like to call 'pseudo-animations'. What they are is a few sequential renders which are separated by minuscule pauses. The purpose of the pseudo-animations is to breathe life into this AVN. They will be sometimes used for nodding and blinking, but by far the primary purpose of these pseudo-animations is to show the change of emotion on a character's face.

And for any curious soul out there, the above woman is Lorelei, and she will be a Love Interest in Tides of Succession.

Beta Version:
I have planned for there to be six scenes in the first version of this iteration's beta testing. I have currently completed three scenes, and done half for another scene and three-quarters of another which means if we add it all up, I have roughly one and three-quarters scenes left to do before the next beta version can come out.

It will definitely be all posed by next week's dev-log. Thus, depending on the render time, it will be out late this week, or very early next week.

I've also been doing some play-testing myself of the scenes already rendered and I am a fan. What I am worried about is Tides of Succession plays a lot differently to other AVNs in the sense it almost feels more like watching a movie, as opposed to reading a novel with pictures. Hence, I'm a little concerned players won't enjoy the style... but I suppose I will just wait and see.

I see too bad she's not a love interest she looks mean and tough

and you know that's my type I don't like nice girls

or girls that instantly throw themselves at the MC

I can't wait to find out who's the meanest and most bloodthirsty girl in the entire game and make her my wife and baby mama
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Reactions: TakMycket


The Spice Pirate Dev
Game Developer
Aug 14, 2023
15/09/2024 — Weekly Dev-Log #14
  • 638 Renders
  • 5,634 Words
  • 0 animations
  • 11 Choices
Another solid week of progress. I also have a lot to talk about this dev-log...
For those of you who are unaware, I released a "demo" on my Discord this Friday. It contained ~18 minutes of content and introduced the player to Lorelei (one of the Love Interests) and the main plot. I did this to get feedback, and I'm really glad I did.
The general perception was "overwhelmingly positive". I say this with quotation marks because at the end of the day, the people on my Discord are the people who enjoyed playing The Spice Pirate, and Tides of Succession is better than TSP in every possible way. So naturally, they should have enjoyed it.
What I loved most about it is many people seemed to love Lorelei, which is great. While I plan for the narrative to be quite strong, the LIs are what will make ToS a great AVN. It wasn't all sunshine however, as there are a couple of areas that needed improvement.
The current banner for Tides of Succession, featuring Lorelei.
These are the areas which needed improvement.
  • Henricus's Eyes - For those of you who didn't play the demo of ToS, Henricus is blind in the sense he does not have eyes, but he can still "see" and isn't impaired in anyway whatsoever. At least, that's the impression I hope people would get. The problem is, at the moment, despite having no eyes in the actual model, it looks as if he just has his eyes shut. This can cause confusion for the player, as the player isn't explicitly told that Henricus is missing his eyes. Instead, they're supposed to draw that conclusion. Thus, I've changed the eye asset, so now it should be more obvious visually that he is missing his eyes.
  • Lorelei's Reaction - The whole idea during the demo is Lorelei is supposed to become positively intrigued by the MC. Alas, I did two things wrong. Firstly, I oversold Lorelei's distaste for pirates so it came of as strong hate (the MC is a pirate, for those who are unaware). Secondly, I wrote "intrigued" as "connection". This made it seem like Lorelei fell for the MC after spending an afternoon together, despite the fact he's a pirate (among other obstacles). Falling for someone is quite different from "positively intrigued". Hence, I had to change a few lines of dialogue to dial the emotions back a bit in order to prevent the whole thing from feeling rushed.
  • Catch lights - Everyone seemed to think the game was visually great. The one complaint regarding the visuals were the overly large catch lights which were being reflected in the character's eyes which looked unnatural. To be rather honest, I'm struggling to decide on how much of an importance to place on this issue. At the moment, I'm inclined to just accept this flaw. The renders look pretty decent and I know how to set up semi-good lighting without spending hours tinkering around in Daz with this style which means I can produce a good quantity with good quality. This is something I'm going to have a think more about over the next couple of days, and do some experiments with.
  • Bugs - Unfortunately, there were a few coding errors if you did not pursue Lorelei (even though I imagine 95% of people would have chosen to go after Lorelei). These were just typos and were fixed in two seconds, but it goes to show I need to be more vigilant in my own play-testing process.
  • Choices - The other piece of feedback I received that I wanted to address is choices. In the current demo, the choices are quite obvious and practically boil down to "Pursue Lorelei" or "Don't". For those who are wondering, choices aren't going to be as straightforward going down the track. You will have to choose between LIs later down the track, but more importantly, you will be able to choose how the MC reacts to the situation unfolding in front of him, and hence, influence the narrative. These sorts of choices weren't in the demo however.
I am pretty much done with working through feedback, but for those who are still yet to give me feedback, I always welcome more.

Henricus's new eyes.
Love Interests:
For those of you who played the demo, Lorelei would be a familiar sight:
Alas, the other two LIs were not in the demo. I have spent quite a lot of time tinkering with each of their models, and finally settled on them. Hence, I thought to "celebrate" a "successful" demo release, I would reveal them to you.
Kasula - A Ro'l explorer.
Glade - An Adristanian Pirate.
They are set to appear in the story rather soon, and I'm looking forward to finally being able to pose some scenes with them.
Another character that appears in the demo is Elva. Many people commented on her looks and said they wouldn't mind "knocking boots with the pirate lady" - Batman_sid. This caused me to seriously reconsider adding Elva as a LI. I was on the fence for a while, but ultimately, it would require a change to the story for reasons, and not just adding in more scenes with her. Thus, I decided to stick to my original plan (apologies Garou).
New Computer:
Two dev-logs ago, I mentioned I ordered new computer. Unfortunately, due to reasons, I could not get the parts so the company I had ordered from gave me a refund. At the moment, I'm currently looking at ordering it elsewhere.
In the meantime, it isn't a big deal. I'm only going to animate lewd scenes and kissing scenes, and because this is a slow-burn AVN, I probably won't need a computer to render those animations as my laptop can keep up with the demand of still-renders.
Allesandra - A Dreeskt Pirate (not a LI).


The Spice Pirate Dev
Game Developer
Aug 14, 2023
22/09/2024 — Weekly Dev-Log #15
  • 995 Renders (+347 renders)
  • 5,977 Words
  • 0 Animations
  • 12 Choices
Great week of progress in the render department. I spent most of my writing time on planning later scenes in more detail rather than writing the script, which is why the word and choice count barely increased.
Very short dev-log today. By next week, I should be over 1/3 done with Chapter 1!

Elva dressed up for a feast.
Beta Testing:
Next beta version should be ready before the next dev-log. I have one more scene to pose, a bunch of interlude renders to pose and play-testing to complete before I release it.
I'm only going to be releasing this version to my beta team, so if you want to give it a shot, make sure to request to join.
Kasula and MC talking during the feast
A Few More Preview Renders:
  • Red Heart
Reactions: DevinHesi
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes