RPGM - Completed - Fox Girls Never Play Dirty [v1.03] [AVANTGARDE / Kagura Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    ntr (optional) tags usually there is a decent amount of content for cucks and regular people. this is 90% cuck game. get rid of the fucking optional so people who aren't beta ass cucks can avoid this crap
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Gsan the ojisan

    People tends to think this as a NTR game when it's more of a game with lots of casual sex not treated seriously that happens to have optional NTR, so many get disappointed due wrong expectations, take that in consideration. You still can go full NTR anyways by ignoring the mc chances to get with the girls but I myself treated it as a netorase/"dont think just enjoy the sex crazed world" game and had lots of fun with it getting my happy endings.

    The combat is what you would expect from any RPGM game, if you dont care too much you can just play in easy, it has battlefuck and sexual harassment attacks on the girls, which is something I love and rarely find in male mc games.

    Nothing too complicated, a journey to defeat the big bad, but if you like anime tier stuff I'm sure you wil enjoy it, the villains are simple and the heroines are cute though if you dont like cliche anime personalities you may not like them that much. I also liked it because I got all the italian references it was doing.

    I just love the setting, the world is basically sex crazed in a way it makes it feel completely casual. Want to aboid some fight? send the girl to give a quickie, want to make money? Send her to do some flute cleaning on the local brothel, etc... you may aswell keep it vanilla until end game if you want, or go full whoring from the beginning, up to you.

    tldr; It's a solid game to me, I think it sits on 4 stars, but I feel like giving it 5 due the lack of netorase/casual sex games with male mc out there and this one quenched my thirst for a while, plus it pushes exactly the right buttons for me.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    5.5 hours in, most i can do is get a bj with 2 of the girls, and god forbid you lose a fight you have to watch them get raped by a literal pig or by 5 old greasy men, shit made me want to throw up it was that bad, and the gameplay is just pretty much go talk to this guy then that guy then crawl trough a dungeon and fight a boss, thats it
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    When I saw NTR (Avoidable) in the genre, I thought that this game would be a corruption adventure game. Turned out the majority of the h-scenes are NTR.

    Lots of times I had to let myself die to see a where my followers get raped for a scene. The NTR scenes are way more interesting, which is a bummer since I had to get cucked to see them.

    Don't play this if you're not a fan of NTR. You won't see many scenes with the girls as they are only consensual and boring. The male main character doesn't even have CG images when he has sex with the other random girls, which is a huge bummer. Every time the girls that follow you do it with randoms, you get a CG.

    Played for 14 hours and didn't even finish the game. I had to use someone else's save to see what I missed and wasn't impressed. This game would have been way better if there were more CG for both the Main Character and the other girls.

    When your girls get harassed you get a CG, but when the MC harasses a girl, the girls following you stop you and get mad :cautious:
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is quite good and engaging, with beautiful art and story. Sadly the phasing of the story and scenes that the player can explore is very slow.
    There is multiple routes to explore with different endings, as well as day and night time mode where players can roam and try to find additional scenes. Corruption element was lacking as there is no stats check or anything that would keep progressively unlocking new scenes, which was bit disappointing. Overall average RPG game, but nothing ground-breaking.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This was one of the first games I've downloaded, and was for a long time my favourite. Lovely art, respectable lenght for a complex plot, and a perfectly okay translation. Also cute/fat tits to appreciate.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Ara-Ara lover

    This game... makes me appreciate small breast girls now

    The game is another typical boring RPG combat with some pervy moments if the girls are naked or their clothes get torn up during battle which will lead to the NTR route.

    There are multiple endings in this game based on which route you're on and which girl you're confessing to. So far I know the vanilla route has 3 endings, 2 for each girl and 1 harem with 2 variants if you choose 1 girl but the other girl still has feelings for you. For me, I got the princess harem end which is still pretty good.

    As for the story, basically you're helping a rebel princess in the conquest of fixing the corrupted politics in that kingdom.
    The art is really good and I often do the sex scene whenever there's a hotel in the location of the game.

    The downside is the lack of variation, the game got split into 2 routes Vanilla and NeToRare. Each has its own quirk to enjoy but also misses the variant from the other route. The pregnancy, crotch tattoos, and nipple piercing are in the NTR route, while the Vanilla route lets you have sex with the girl whenever you want. Both routes allow the girls to roam the night to find places where they can masturbate or prostitute if you're in the NTR route.

    I'm not a fan of NeToRare but this game allows you to do whatever you want most of the time, but unfortunately the variation that I've mentioned above wasn't shared in both routes so that's kind of a downer.

    Recommend giving it a try if you have time and tissues.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    whilst the game was hard to play, and get all scenes for, the game was fine. The gameplay , whilst hard, can be fun at times, and challenging, with the scsnes being fantastic, kudos to the artist/dev for it.

    Just a few fixes with the gameplay, whilst making it more fun, would make the game better, i think.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Standart RPGm with average gameplay and boring speed.

    Score: 6/10

    Fun: 4/10 - my subjective - but it was hard to play, because you want to slut out girls, so to open all scenes you need to lose, then go again with the same boss fighting, to open all scenes you need to do the same things twice, omg
    Story: 6/10 - Nothing interesting, saw more interesting writing/story.
    Gameplay: 5/10 - common RPG gameplay, but here it is really boring
    HGraphics: 8/10 - It is good, with animations, and CGs, but it is really hard to open in terms of time consumption.
    Kinky: 8/10 -yes, a lot of different kinks, but really boring to get them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is supposed to be an NTR game, but it is avoidable thus I give it a try to this game... And oh boii what an adventure does I have.

    STORY [8/10]

    The story is good, a little confusing maybe? But I do kinda understand it a bit. There is a side story too, so the people in this game is not just dead dead character with brainless dead brain (idk what I'm saying lol). And even tho this story is good, let me just one thing.. IT IS A BIZZARE AND WEIRD ONE.

    Let's just say... What the fuck? I like it.

    GAMEPLAY [7/10]

    Well it's decent, typical RPG Maker controller and stuff like that. The thing that make me entertain is basically the first combat, but when you got stronger. It's just basically holding the Z or the Enter button. The movement is for me kinda slow I need to fast fast because you need to go another city to one another and back yada yada. But it has a teleportation item which you can get in early-mid game. Tbh there is nothing revolutionary.

    Let's just say... Excited for the half of the game.

    ART [9/10]

    The art is a gorgeous but the tileset is... Well kinda mixed??? But it's not that bad actually I do kinda love it, the art is also dayyum hot and beautiful, the character design is also really good. Overall I really like this art nice one!

    Let's just say... Refresher for my eyes.

    CHARACTER [9/10]

    The character are memorable, those it lovable... Each heroine and character has their own personality that make it loveable, not just the main character there is also the NPC one. It is a unique character for sure, but it does have one tho.

    Let's just say... I love them, but the NPC are weird.

    SOUND [10/10]

    THE THING THAT ACTUALLY MAKE ME HORNY. Ok tbh the sound are decent, there is Voice Over which can be enable in the setting (if its off in default, like me) the SFX like walking, entering, etc. are also quite nice, but not all have SFX tho. Now the thing that make me horny. BGM. The BGM are like RPGM style music (R P G M U S I C) which is for me is dayyum cool, tbh when i heard it for the first time "dayyum this music is fitting for a rhythm game music."

    Let's just say... Entertain by the music.


    What good anyway of H-game, without the "Arousal Enjoyable Dayyum" content? Well in this game... NONE well not exactly. It depend on the route, if you go to the wholesome route it has a little tiny bit content of seggsss, but if you play the NTR Route (Screw you) you will have some that probably alot, heck that's the main theme of this game. Well why I give it a 7 then? Well it's quite simple, the harem ending has well... Those content which for me kinda sexy and also quite cute, which I enjoy alot thus give it score of 7.

    Let's just say... Normal game, with a segs content.

    BUG SPRAY [8/10]

    There is bug, but not quite alot. Not that annoying also is just make you cheating because of unlimited item, and I won't tell you. Beside that there is none tbh, so well I guess that's it.

    Let's just say... This bug supposed to annoying, not helping.


    This game has a walkthrought of course. But it's just for the main quest, not the side mission that I got confuse and make it by myself. But there is one if you want.

    Let's just say... Help I'm still confused here.


    There is a unofficial modded content, but I'm not touching those because I'm to lazy. And there is side quest that I didn't do... Tbh what even is this rating supposed to do, I'm just copy it from another person...

    Let's just say... I don't know what to put here, let's just say another yes.


    I'm enjoying it, I like it. Maybe it can be improvised like the gameplay maybe, but to be honest. A well decent RPGM game not disappointing at all, I'm enjoying try it yourself!

    Let's just say... Good Game.

    [Slowly but surely this rating will make no fucking sense...]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Has some good CG, but takes way too long to get the scenes. Combat and story is not interesting. Voice acting is OK. Video quality is not the best, could be polished more. In general, a decent game, but there are certainly far better RPGMs out there. 6.8/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    From a porn game standpoint, it's okay. The pacing is good enough between scenes and their availability high enough for it to be good material, the art is great and the diversity impressively high.
    Although, i wasn't expecting to actively get attached to the characters in such a game genre.
    From a full fledged game standpoint, there's a few minor problems i noticed :
    - "Chances of effect", i'd like to know what % it is, for how many turns. Also apply for buffs.
    - There's no map and only the main mission got an astrologian tracking it. I have no clue where Julia is for that one mission.
    - I didn't found where to get the Lv.2 jobs. It wasn't realy required at first, but you can REALY feel the boost when jumping straight to Lv.3 jobs.

    Other than that, it realy was a great game. Enjoyed it a lot.
    Other than that, i had a great time playing that RPG.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is really good, and so are many of the scenes included, but I gotta be honest the story is way too hard to follow, there's parts of the translation that just do not link up with each other, it's like reading someone having a stroke. I played it a while ago and gave up because I ran into a common bug with this one where a couple of the character's "standing image" doesn't leave, it just sits there on your screen without any way to get rid of it, so I just went ahead and gave up, such a shame too because I was looking forward to more scenes later on with other characters, but I had to reveal them to myself using someone else's save, taking most of the buildup away from it, feels like such a cop-out
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    So to start things off I'll say that I actually liked the game. It was pretty hot, pretty good, but the more that I play it, the more that the imperfections begin to affect my enjoyment.

    Story (Non-spoiler):
    It's actually pretty weak unfortunately. The basic gist of it (without spoilers) is that you're some schmuck who came to a new land cuz you wanted a vacation, stuff goes wrong, and now you're with a tomboy fox (dog?) girl and you're gonna start a revolution against promiscuity. And that's basically it. There's also another girl with the white hair, but she's not really important. Unfortunately, this game's story doesn't really have that many emotional moments. Even if there are certain cute scenes and scenes that tug at my heart strings a little bit, it doesn't have that much impact.

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    -MC: Not that bad of a character (at least compared to some other games, especially NTR games). Is still somewhat of a pushover though unfortunately.
    -Dog Girl: Somewhat fleshed out with a somewhat badgirl personality. She has quite a bit of charm to her and the most interesting of the main cast.
    -Lisa: Unfortunately the one that drew the smallest straw in terms of character development. Doesn't really develop in the main story .

    Standard RPG fare, not really too interesting. Sometimes enemies may use a lascivious attack to remove clothing/sexually assault the girls, but that's about it. You don't need to grind a lot unless you're using higher difficulties, which is good. For the world, there's inns that you can rest and recover in (also can go do something lewd at night as the girls or as the MC), a bank which you'll never use unless you want to intentionally lose, the classic item shops for items and equipment (although you don't need to buy equipment since exploring and side questing gives you better ones anyway) and a brothel which you/the girls can visit at night as well. It's not groundbreaking, but it's not really bad either. Also, for some reason the sex stats/mechanics are useless and is not an indication of a possible NTR ending (one of my biggest gripes against this game personally)

    NSFW content:
    As the tags say, this is mostly NTR content. You can trigger NSFW scenes by getting lasciviously attacked with no clothes (NSFW in battle), places in the world also has heart bubbles which indicate an NSFW scene if you interact (some may only be done at night), and the standard lose scene. You can also get NSFW scenes replacing boss battles. There is also a little bit of non-NTR content which you can do with the girls in the inns after raising their affection enough.
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    Overall only good for those that can tolerate NTR.

    Voice Acting:
    Only with battle quotes unfortunately. The game doesn't actually have dialog voice acting.

    Sound Design:
    Basic, nothing really too interesting.

    I like it. It's the best part of the game. However, the little animations seem to break (at least on my end), which sucks.

    Overall, even though I like it personally, this is a mediocre NTR game with pretty good art. I'd only recommend it to people who like NTR, although they may be turned off by how standard the gameplay can be.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Average game overall.

    The sex stats and pregnancy mechanics don't really work. No one has anything to say about the girls being pregnant or naked in the streets. It constantly breaks continuity because the game doesn't acknowledge their status except in very specific conversations.

    The game is one giant meme, so there is no weight to anything that is really happening in the story. It's just one giant joke and that really dampens any seriousness of NTR. I mean, the humor can be pretty funny in an absurd way, but it just doesn't fit that well with NTR.

    Speaking of NTR, it's basically all happening in the very last area of the game. That limited sequence is pretty hot at least. It's pretty much closer to netorase than NTR in the earlier sections.

    The gameplay is nothing special. It's not as braindead as some other RPGM titles, but it's certainly not intricate or balanced enough to warrant serious attention to the RPG gameplay mechanics.

    Overall, it's a decent game. The different aspects of the game are pretty good on its own, but when put together, it doesn't work as well as it could have.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    meh, mediocre. Good art and thank god not censored, but very few scenes, and so many of them are just variations of the same jpeg. Tried the pure route and you get almost no content, its strongly a NTR game if you want to see proper action. Pretty assets, combat is not great, story is very boring with its political theme and besides the two main girls all he others are just background noise with any remarkable content
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Good, not great.

    I enjoyed the quality of the art (no censor is a big plus), any game with sexy animal girls gets some big points in my book, and all the sex stats are something I wish more games did, I love that. It has frequent character driven dialog and they're all given loads of opportunity to express themselves to the player for some good character growth moments.

    Taking a couple stars off for two main reasons.
    One: It has a rich sex stats/corruption system, but most of the time it was hard to tell if it was even working. I like to play full-slut mode with games like this but no matter how high I padded their numbers, they're still pretty prudish and squeamish in my game, not all that slutty behaving. Seems to be more gated to the story I guess.

    Two is that the protagonist is rather bland and about the only time his personality shows itself is when he's being all whiny with NTR-related stuff, but I suppose that just comes with the territory of this sort of game. Sex is gated behind the story so it doesn't matter what the stats say, which is also kind of annoying. It was about 8 hours in before he actually got the main course.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    They might not play dirty, but god damn do they like to talk.

    I’ll admit, this game had way more to it than I was anticipating. Hidden quests, side quests, special items, unique dialogue, missable CGs, and a very very very avoidable NTR route.

    Yes, NTR is avoidable, you can stop asking. Sheesh.

    Of course this is first and foremost a Kagura corruption game, so the usual can be found here. Defeated CGs, walking around town at night, blowing a bad guy to avoid a battle or make it easier, and earning cash by selling their bodies. But, it is pretty obvious when the NTR comes into play, and even if you “check out the intro” to those routes you don’t automatically place yourself on the bad end. It takes a bit more doing to turn a rebel into cock hungry slut willing to betray her friends and love interest.

    On top of all the things TM you can do, there are a ton of sexy time moments with not just the two main girls but also the guy checking things out too. It was fun though to see our guy getting his freak on, while one of the other girls can be seen on screen blowing an NPC or being compensated molested. Fairs fair I say.

    Now I was a little worried towards the end of my run that I had locked myself out of a harem route, but it appears that so long as you don’t let either girl become a cock addict to the bad guys, you can just say “both” and boom, you got boobs and petite pussy ready to jump in bed for a threesome. If only Triss and Yennefer could have learned to have done this for the literal savior of the world, fucking selfish is what that is.

    Sadly there’s no major kink being stroked here, so while this game was all that and a bag of chips, it didn’t ever get me roaring to go. Worst yet if there is a shit ton of spoken dialogue, world building, and story you’ll need to endure to reach the fun stuff. Yes yes, you’re a princess, yes yes, the bad guy is the military leader, just hurry up and bend over so I can teach you the wonders of anal.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    As an NTR + humiliation lover this thing is fucking good. Especially the NTR routes.

    Like AVANTGARDE games before, we don't really have random battle rapes and early scenes are not that great. However the endgame scenes are absolutely amazing and worth the wait.

    I love that you can get the heroines crotch tatooed and pierced by the enemies. Also the heroine NTRed by the their archnemesis, the person they hate the most. if it's turns you on then you will have a good time with this game.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I love ntr games with battle rape but this one... Is poor, very very poor, tha rape scene is only one for all characters and enemies, I think the artist tried focus on the cgs but is poor too, don't have many and storie is very slooooow for start porn, but the storie is not soo bad, I liked, but have more games with the same thematic and much more better than this one, if u want one u can read my reviews and u will find many. Well, if you like cat girls and many storie that's the game for u, but be prepared u will not find many porn material here... Sadly.

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