Wolf RPG None [Translation Request]Stranger of Silfade [18+ ver][MeganeCircle]


Nov 17, 2019
Stranger of Silfade


: Yes
Language: Japanese

Official description:
A doujin RPG based on "Silfade Gens*tan".
Includes front-view battle system with two types of fields, approx. 7 hours playtime,
mouse-only controls, and free party composition and character growth elements.

As far as I'm aware, this is something of a continuation of a Japanese series of Silfade.
There's somewhere a non hentai SLG game (made around 2006-2007) called tale of Silfade. Also, there maybe even more games of this series which I'm not aware of. Still this should be the latest, a 2020 release.

As stated in the title it's a WOLF engine game. I have link of it below, but it's entirely in Japanese.
Using a certain software called translator++ I was able to partially translate some aspects of the game, such as the item names and city descriptions. But there are three big problems:

1. The bulk of the untranslated parts are in certain script files archived in wolf engine specific file for each level of the game. That means, translating the game fully, using this method requires editing those script files which include the story itself + the game mechanic's math. That means it must be done one by one and one must be careful.
2. There's a number of images (not many) which must be manually edited via some image editor. But this may be ignored as a problem.
3. This was my first translation attempt. I'm way too inexperienced and above all I no longer have the time to try and continue this project.

I request someone, please translate the game (bow).

Link to the untouched game files:

Link to the partially translated game (it works but not everything is tested):